17 April 2024   Admin Desk

‘Mahila’ SVEEP Car Rally on April 21

RAIPUR,CHHATTISGARH: A car rally has been organized on April 21 under the SVEEP voter awareness program for women to be organized from Raipur Shankar Nagar BTI Ground to Science College at 4.00 pm.

Attractive prizes have been fixed for the participants. The participants will have to decorate their cars to make it attractive, paste slogans and messages for voter awareness.

The first prize is Rs 21,000/-, second prize is Rs 11,000/- and third prize is Rs 51,00/- respectively. Apart from this, ten people will be honored with Rs 2,100/- as consolation prize. Besides, lucky drivers, lucky vehicles, lucky vehicle numbers will also be rewarded. For participation registration has to be done.


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