14 May 2024   Admin Desk

Police arrests 14 Naxals

BIJAPUR,CG: Chhattisgarh’s Bijapur police on Monday claimed that it has arrested 14 Maoists, some of them carrying cash awards.

Bijapur Police in an official communication stated that as part of the anti-Maoist operation being conducted in the district, 14 Maoists were caught while the team of DRG Bijapur and Police Station Gangalur team. The team had recovered explosives and propaganda material of CPI Maoist organization from the forest between Pidia-Mutwendi by the police party.

During interrogation, Renu Kovasi, Military Company No. 02, and Mangali Avalam, Gangalur Area Committee, ACM both carry a reward 08.00 lakh, Bichem Uika, Gangalur Area Committee, ACM andSharmila Kursam, Gangalur Area Committee Member both carrying reward 05.00 lakh.

A reward of Rs 41 lakh has been declared on 14 people including Lakshmi Tati, Gangalur Area Committee member, reward of Rs 05.00 lakh.

Jitendra Yadav, SP Bijapur said that the captured Maoists were actively working under Military Company No. 02 and Gangalur Area Committee.

During interrogation they revealed that along with planting of IED on the route, Pedia-Mutwendi road with the intention of causing huge damage to the police party.

Police states that 04 pieces of tiffin bomb, 02 pieces of cooker bomb, detonator, cardex wire, gelatin stick and propaganda material of banned CPI Maoist organization, Gaiti, shovel, crowbar, were recovered.

After a legal process, in Gangalur police station, they were produced before the local court which sent them on judicial remand.


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