19 May 2024   Admin Desk

All Arrangements Put In Place For Fifth Phase Of Lok Sabha Elections

NEW DELHI: All arrangements take place for fifth phase of Lok Sabha elections tomorrow. Forty-nine constituencies spread over six states and two Union Territories will go to polls in this phase. These are 14 seats in Uttar Pradesh, 13 in Maharashtra, seven in West Bengal, five each in Bihar and Odisha, three in Jharkhand, and one each in Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh. Campaigning for this phase of ended yesterday. A total of 695 candidates are in the fray for this phase.

In Maharashtra, 13 constituencies which will go to polls tomorrow include Dhule, Dindori, Nashik, Palghar, Bhiwandi, Kalyan, Thane and six parliamentary constituencies in Mumbai. Our correspondent reports that voting will take place at 24 thousand 579 polling stations.

Source: AIR


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