05 August 2024   Admin Desk

NTPC Lara organised training for women’s SHG of associate villages

CHHATTISGARH: NTPC Lara organised a training programme on Mushroom farming and use of advanced technology in agriculture for the women’s self-help groups of associate villages on 5th August 2024. 

The training programme was inaugurated by Smt Anuradha Sharma, President, Prerita Mahila Samiti in the presence of members of self-help group of seven associate villages of NTPC Lara project. 

As faculty member Dr. BS Rajput, Sr. Scientist and Dr. C.P.S. Solanki, Sr. Scientist from Krishi Vigyan kendra, Raigarh presented the techniques of mushroom farming and use of advanced technology in farming to reduce its cost and maximise profit. 

Addressing the village women Smt Sharma, stressed on to understand and realise their strength of women and how to utilise it to increase their financial condition.

Under CSR-CD, NTPC Lara is trying to empower rural women by skill upgradation of rural women so that by utilising that skill they can earn and strengthen their financial condition. By using local resources, the best thing can be done, it was clearly demonstrated by the scientists of Krishi Vigyan kendra, Raigarh. During monsoon by using paddy straw, mushroom farming is a very good option in rural areas. By low cost and utilizing their leisure time good profit can be earned by the ladies. Throughout the year different mushrooms can be cultivated in different seasons.

On this occasion 68 women from the villages of Armuda, Devalsura, Mehloi, Chhapora, Kandagarh and Bodajhariya were present. 

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