16 February 2024   Admin Desk

NTPC wins in different categories

Raipur, Chhattisgarh: National Thermal Power Corporation (NTPC) was winner in ER-1 category, 1st runner up – SR and 2nd Runner UP – NI Ash and Ash technology in the three day IPS-2024 (February 13-15).

On the concluding day, the event featured Sessions by Vendors Area Wise, Techno Galaxy interaction, and Presentations by USSC and COS.

Later, an Open House Interaction with vendors was conducted wherein NTPC Senior officials K S Sundaram, Director (Projects & Operations); C Sivakumar, RED (WR-II, USSC & Ash NI); Arindam Sinha, ED (OS) and Ravindra Kumar, OSD to Director (Operations) interacted and replied queries from vendors.

The three-day mega event comes to an end with the distribution of Techno Galaxy Awards in the category of Vendors and NTPC. A total of 60 stalls were installed at the Techno Galaxy exhibition.

The winners in Vendor Category are Winner - Sureflow Techon PVT LTD, 1st runner up - PPS International and 2nd runner up - Aswartha Asset Management Solutions.


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