21 February 2024   Admin Desk

Government extends online facility for Ayushman Bharat scheme

Raipur, Chhattisgarh: Government of Chhattisgarh has extended the online facilities for registration of Ayushman Card from both private and government hospitals. If the beneficiary faces any problem can call the toll free number.

Health department officials said that no applications are being received offline for the Ayushman Bharat scheme. Online registration is done on the basis of Ayushman card in private and government hospitals. All the process is completed through the TMS portal. The problem of the Ayushman card is also resolved through an online process. In case of any complaint regarding treatment in any hospital, 104 toll free numbers work 24X7. Apart from it, there is also a facility to lodge complaints on toll free number 14555.

The application for the Chief Minister Special Health Assistance Scheme includes treatment facilities for diseases like kidney, liver, heart transplant is forwarded by the Chief Minister's Office. It is uploaded on the DKBSSY portal by the State Nodal Agency and all the processes are done online. 


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