Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India: Even after the announcement of Lok Sabha election dates, a large number of party defections continue. Congress and BSP exodus to BJP continued on Monday.
Former BSP MLA Keshav Chandra and district president Rajesh Rathore have joined BJP. Keshav Chandra has been a two-time MLA from BSP. He lost the assembly election in 2023.
A BJP workers conference has been organized in Jaijaipur. During the event, both the leaders took membership of BJP in the presence of State President Kiran Singh Dev and Cabinet Minister OP Chaudhary.
The dates of Lok Sabha elections have been announced. Voting will be held in three phases on 11 seats of Chhattisgarh. Voting will be held on one seat in the first phase i.e. on April 19. After it, in the second phase i.e. on 26th April, voting will be held for three seats and 7th May on 7 seats of the state. Election results will come on June 4.
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