Raipur, Chhattisgarh, India: Chief Electoral Officer, Chhattisgarh Reena Babasaheb Kangale on Wednesday said with the release of notification for the first phase, the process of filing nominations for Bastar Lok Sabha constituency has begun.
The nomination process has started for Bastar, the only seat for the first phase of election. The candidates can file their nomination papers from 11 am to 3 pm on all working days except government holidays.
She said that the last date for filing nomination under the first phase of Lok Sabha elections is March 27. Scrutiny of nomination papers will take place on March 28 while names can be withdrawn till March 30. Voting will take place on April 19.
BJP has declared its candidate Mahesh Kashyap on the seat, while the main opposition party Congress has not declared its candidate yet. Chhattisgarh Pradesh Congress Committee President Deepak Baij is currently the MP from the seat.
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