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12 April 2024   Admin Desk

CG NEWS: High-Tech training for Polling Teams, Online tests via QR Codes

* Raipur District's Innovative Initiative

Raipur,Chhattisgarh: Ahead of the Lok Sabha elections, innovations are being made for election-related training in the Raipur district. On the initiative of Collector and District Election Officer Dr. Gaurav Singh, audio-visual mediums are being used for training. The trainees are becoming skilled in election work. The training for the first phase has been completed. The training for the second phase will begin soon.

The training sessions began with a message from Collector Dr. Singh. State-level master trainers played videos, and the district's master trainers explained the content of the videos. Along with the traditional method, audio-visual content is also being provided in the training. Flow charts, info sheets, and checklists as per the Election Commission's standards are included. The trainees themselves are learning to handle the EVM machines so that no mistake happens at the polling booths.

At the end, a link is provided which opens a QR code. Scanning the QR code opens an online test of 25 questions. This is followed by a detailed discussion, and master trainers resolving all doubts. The question paper for the voting teams has been prepared by Kedar Patel, Employment Officer and Assistant Nodal Officer Training with the help of District Level Master Trainers.

Remarkably, the polling process has been framed into a poem. It has been provided to the staff in the form of a song. The aim is to make it easier to memorise the process through songs, as poll duty teams find it easier to recall the voting process through these catchy tunes.

A feedback form is also provided, inviting suggestions to improve the training. The addition of audio-visual techniques and a one-minute song related to the voting process is helping the polling teams grasp the basics easily.

The training material has been prepared under the guidance of District Panchayat CEO Vishwadeep, with contributions from IT Nodal Ujjwal Porwar and DEO P.C. Verma.

Dr. Ritu Shrivastava, a lecturer from Government School, Dumartarai, said there were many changes in this year's training. The trainers explained the processes in a structured manner through audio-visual content.

Durga Devi Nirmalakar from Dharmapura Primary School said that the trainers explained everything through videos, and urged them to treat this as a festival, which removed their fear.

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