NARAYANPUR,CG: In Orchha police station area of the Narayanpur district on Wednesday, security forces raided the camp of Naxalites and destroyed it.
However, as soon as the soldiers arrived, all the Naxalites fled from the spot. Police have recovered bomb making material and other explosive items from the spot.
The police had received information from the informer that there is presence of Naxalites in the forest and mountains of Badarayanar of Abujhmad. A joint contingent of District Police Force, DRG, Bastar Fighters and 16th Battalion of CRPF was rushed to the spot. During the search, the soldiers reached the forest area.
Sensing trouble, all the Naxalites left the camp to escape. The team laid the siege but they failed to grab them. The soldiers destroyed the Naxalite camp. Bomb making material, pressure cooker, battery, electric wire, Naxalite banner-poster and items of daily use have been recovered from the spot.
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