26 July 2024   Admin Desk

Five Naxalites surrender

SUKMA,CG: Amidst the terror of Naxalites in Naxal affected districts of Chhattisgarh, 5 Naxalites active in Sukma district, influenced by the ‘Naxalism Eradication and Rehabilitation Policy’ and ‘Niyad Nella Naar’ scheme, have surrendered.

All five Naxalites including three women, who surrendered are hardcore Naxalites.

A total reward of Rs 19 lakh was declared on all the surrendered Naxalites. Three Naxalites who surrendered carry the reward with Rs 5 lakh each and two Naxalites with a reward of Rs 2 lakh each.

Police said all the Naxalites who surrendered were active in Sukma and were involved in many incidents.

Among the surrendered Naxalites, Kawasi Dula was the deputy commander of Platoon No. 30 of the Naxalites and his wife Madakam Gangi was the commander of Platoon No. 30 Section ‘A’. A reward of Rs 5 lakh each was declared on both the Naxalite couples. Sodi Budhra was the medical team commander and a reward of Rs 5 lakh was declared on him too.

Two other surrendered Naxalites, Podiyam Somdi and Madkam Ayate, were carrying a reward of Rs 2 lakh each. The surrendered Naxalites were involved in other Naxal incidents including ambushing the ROP police party on road construction and firing.


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