27 July 2024   Admin Desk

Public problem solving fortnight from today

RAIPUR: Public Problem Solving Fortnight will be organized in all the urban bodies of Chhattisgarh from July 27 to August 10 August, said Public Works Department and Urban Administration and Development Department Minister Arun Sao on Friday.

He said during the period, problems will be resolved by organizing ward-wise camps in Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and Nagar Panchayats.

He has appealed to mayors, chairpersons, councilors and other public representatives to be present in the camps organized in the wards, so that there can be maximum participation of the general public.

He said in all 184 urban bodies of the state camp will be held and problems will be resolved on the spot. He hoped that by organizing ward-wise camps will help for prompt resolution of problems on the spot.

The various tasks like tap collection, ration card, national family assistance, old age pension, social security pension, birth-death certificate, building construction licenses, no-objection certificate, name transfer, self-employment cases and many other small tasks which are expected to be resolved soon.

There are leakages in water supply, lack of water in taps, cleaning of drains and streets, water flowing from public tap platforms, cleaning and transportation of garbage, repair of broken drains, filling potholes on roads, switching off of street lights and other problems will be resolved.


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