RAIPUR: National judo player Hembati Nag, who hails from Kondagaon, Chhattisgarh, met with Chief Minister Vishnu Deo Sai on Monday. Hembati, who was recently honoured with the prestigious ‘Prime Minister's National Child Award 2024’ by President Droupadi Murmu, shared her accomplishments with the Chief Minister during the courtesy meeting.
Hembati expressed her dream of winning an Olympic medal for India, a goal that she has set her sights on as she continues to excel in judo. In response, the Chief Minister praised her dedication and emphasized the importance of consistent hard work in achieving such an ambitious dream.
He acknowledged Hembati's talent, which she demonstrated in various competitions, including the Khelo India National Games and national-level events, where she won numerous medals and brought pride to the state.
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