MAHASAMUND: In a significant crackdown on illegal paddy storage, the administrative team led by Sub-Divisional Officer (SDO) Pithora, Omkareshwar Singh, seized 650 bags of illegal paddy in village Laripur 2 on Thursday.
The paddy was found stored at the residence of Maniram Sahu, who neither owns farming land nor could produce valid documents to justify the possession of such a large quantity of paddy. Investigations revealed that the paddy had likely been transported from elsewhere and stored illegally at this location.
The marketing officer promptly confiscated the paddy following the discovery. SDO Singh emphasized that the action was part of efforts to curb illegal storage and trade of paddy in the region. He reiterated the administration’s commitment to ensuring transparency in the paddy trade and protecting the interests of genuine farmers.
Farmers and traders in the area are urged to adhere to regulations and maintain valid documentation for the storage and trade of paddy. The administration has warned of strict action against violators to uphold fairness in the agricultural market.
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