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15 October 2022   Admin Desk

UNSC counter-terrorism committee's special meeting in India to focus on use of drones, other emerging technology in terror activities

United Nations Security Council (UNSC) Counter-Terrorism Committee's Special Meeting in India will focus on Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) and other emerging technologies.

For the first time in the last seven years, the UNSC Counter-Terrorism Committee has planned to hold a special meeting away from its headquarters.

The meeting will be held in Mumbai and New Delhi, on October 28 and 29 with a focus on the use of new and emerging technologies for terrorism purposes.

In a statement, UN said, the objectives of the meeting are to provide an overview of ways Member States are deploying new and emerging technological developments to prevent and counter terrorist narratives and acts and to bring terrorists to justice.

Other objectives include identifying continuing challenges, sharing good practices in compliance with international human rights laws, industry action, public-private partnerships, and legislative, policy, and regulatory responses, the UN said. Source: AIR

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