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21 November 2022   Admin Desk

Power Company staff to have cashless health insurance

RAIPUR: The employees and pensioners of Chhattisgarh State Power Companies will get benefit of cashless insurance scheme. The mobile application related to it ‘Mor Bijlee Company’ was launched on Monday.

Vinod Agarwal, Additional Chief Engineer, Human Resource Department said a new mobile application ‘More Bijli Company’ has been launched. Tenders have been floated for cashless health insurance for the employees and pensioners.

He said 13,000 regular and 15,000 pensioners' families will get the facility of cashless health insurance up to Rs 4 lakh.

He said the mobile application can be downloaded from Google play store. The employees need to register from the mobile number in which they receive short message service (SMS) related to salary or pension.

In case the mobile number is not linked, it can be done through one time password (OTP). It would provide the employees details and of his family members, he added.

In case of excess expenditure above the 4 lakh limit during the course of treatment, the employee needs to pay the amount. It would then be reimbursed as per company rules, Agrawal said.

He said the annual premium of insurance will be deducted from the salary/pension account of the beneficiary. In future, the facilities of salary, pension, holidays, provident fund, income tax, tax deduction at source (TDS), life certificate, information of network of hospitals and many other features will be added.

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