19 May 2023   Admin Desk

IT Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw’s remarks on Japan’s interest in joining UPI

NEW DELHI:  “Almost every global forum, whether G20, SCO or G7, wherever we are presenting PM Narendra Modi’s Digital India vision, has very good traction. People understand how Modi ji has democratised digital technology. I thank the Japanese digital minister he has accepted PM Modi’s very deep and extensive vision of Digital India.” Minister of Electronics & IT, Railways and Communications Ashwini Vaishnaw said in response to the statement made by KONO Taro, Minister for Digital Transformation Japan, expressing interest in joining India’s UPI payment system.

Japanese Digital Minister  Kono Taro earlier today said in an interview with a media channel (excerpts) – “We just had our G7 Digital Ministers’ meeting last month and we had our Indian Digital Minister Vaishnaw join with us and right now, Japan and India are trying to promote a digital cooperation. We are now seriously thinking about joining Indian UPI, the payments system and also, we are contemplating how we can mutually recognise e-ID, for well – starting with cooperation, so we can increase interoperability.”

Source: PIB


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