Article written by: Dr. Arvind Neral, Professor & H.O.D. Department of Pathology, Pt. J.N.M. Medical College, Raipur (C.G.) RAIPUR: It’s heartening to note that India has gained more than a decade of life expectancy since 1990. It has risen from 59.6 years in 1990 to 70.8 years in 2019. The pace of population ageing is much faster than the past. However, researchers say – “The increase in healthy life expectancy has not been as dramatic as the growth of life expectancy, since people are living more years with disability, illness and loneliness.” While the disability and illnesses are physical and medical, the loneliness has more of a mental and social etiology and there are mounting evidences that loneliness takes a serious toll on physical health. Very often, loneliness has not been given due attention and importance, never thought of it’s consequences, remains undiagnosed and mostly left without seeking proper care for the same. Loneliness is the feeling of not being connected and lack of affection in current relationships. It is an important indicator of social well being and feeling isolated. Unfortunately, loneliness is even seen as a ‘hallmark’ of ageing. It is never caused because of a single reason but an array of multiple factors. A death of a loved one (spouse, friends and worst, at times, even one’s own child), restricted mobility preventing elders from stepping outside and chronic illness leading to poor quality of life are circumstances seen commonly. In addition, slow processing of information, technological inadequacy or reduced sight and hearing do play a role as well. Loneliness puts elders at a risk of dementia, heart disease or stroke, clinical depression, suicidal thoughts and an overall feeling of a purposeless and meaningless life. It leads to serious health-related consequences and at times can also be fatal. Human are social by nature and a social ecosystem is a key element to help improve the quality life of elders. Being able to talk about one’s stories, sharing moments and occasions with friends and family and feeling ‘wanted’ give a sense of purpose to any individual, shares the expert. Ironically, many elders who continue to stay under the same roof as family members may still be lonely. It is not about sharing physical space but more about making elders a part of our mental space. Concern and conversations need to go beyond medical checkups and physical health but instead need to remember the people behind these wrinkled faces. Who are they, what is their sense of identity, what defines meaningful living for them. Companionship is one of the most sought after things as we are, much more than accumulated wealth and fame. Being part of a community is another such thing. Be it seeking company in the neighborhood club, a spiritual group or simply staying in a residential community or care home- each plays a critical role in the well –being of an elder. If a man does not make new acquaintances as he passes through life, he will soon find himself left alone. And, as we get older, we realize that we must not look for perfection in our friends. We must look for affection. There should be an understanding companion, be it your spouse or a best friend. If you have too many misunderstanding, it robs you of your peace of mind. It is better to accept differences than to be quarrelling all the time. Age does not protect us from friendship, love and affection, but these definitely protect us from aging. I am of the opinion that my life belongs to the whole community and as long as live, it is my privilege to do for it whatever I can. I want to be thoroughly used up when I die for the harder I work, the more healthy and long life I live. Life is not “brief candle” to me. It is sort of “splendid torch” which I have got hold of for the moments and I want to make it burn as bright as possible before handing on to future generations. We must cultivate a hobby or two that will fulfill us – gardening, reading, writing, painting, sports or listening to music. It’s important to concentrate on something that keeps us occupied meaningfully. Enjoy and love every moment of life. Don’t try to save it… we can’t and there is no system to get a refund on an unused life. I can not believe that purpose of life is to be happy only. It is to be useful, responsible and compassionate. Disclaimer: The article is personal view of author / contributor. The website at any point will not be held responsible or subscribes for any of the view expressed in the article.
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