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18 August 2023   Admin Desk

CG NEWS: Independence Day Celebrated at Adarsh Vidyalaya Devendra Nagar

RAIPUR: Independence day was celebrated with great gaiety and patriotic fervor in the school. The entire school got prepared, rehearsing enthusiastically for the colorful celebration. 

The Chief Guest of the day, Vinod Pillai, President, Raipur Kerala Samajam hoisted the tricolor, followed by  the national anthem and an impressive march- past by the school cabinet consisting of the head boy, the head girl and the members of various houses. The  Chief Guest received the salute of the march-past. 

The Chief Guest and the guest of honour of the day, Viju Samuel, Secretary  RKS Raipur were cordially welcomed with saplings, an ideal practice by the school.The principal of the school, Ms Suman Shanbag in her address to the gathering appreciated and congratulated the students on their enthusiastic spirit to celebrate the national day. She opined that  students by working hard and reaching heights can  contribute effectively for the growth of the country and her people. The Chief guest in his message wanted the children to absorb and assimilate the values and ideals that were exemplified by the great national heroes of our motherland. He felt that the  students - tomorrow's youth with knowledge, clear vision, ceaseless energy and unselfish mission could definitely transform the nation into an ideal land. 

The Vice-Principal, K. K. Unnikrishnan Nair and the Head-mistress, Mrs. Shoba Pillai also gave their message on the occasion, motivating the gathering to work for the nation to make her strong and great. 

The students belonging to different classes performed colourful dances, rhythmic drills, thought-provoking skit which all underlined the feeling that we are one nation and Indians, despite our differences in languages and practices. The multi-

 coloured costumes and the synchronized movements of the dancers and performers were a pleasant visual treat to the gathered. 

There were speeches in English and Hindi by students emphasising the need for unity, tolerance, inclusiveness and broad-mindedness. They affirmed their faith in the knowledge that unity is strength and real growth is possible in peace and by hard work. Division makes us weak. 

All students, teachers and the parents enjoyed the celebration. Week- long preparations, continuous practices, music, dance etc. pervaded the atmosphere with an inspiring and thrilling sense of patriotic attachment to the motherland and her people. 

The programme ended with vote of thanks and distribution of sweets.

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