In 2004, Tsunami wreaked havoc in the Andaman, but no one was harmed from it, not even a scratch. The indigenous tribes like Oraka, Sentinel and Jarwas survived the disaster completely. How was that miracle possible? A few days before Tsunami hit, their entire settlement left the jungle, for a higher ground, as if they already knew something bad was about to happen.When one askedtheir chief, how would they have known? He gave a one word answer-Tinnotu. It means understanding something so deeply that you can sense even the slightest discomfort in it. To understand someone's pain, it is not important and necessary for them to speak out loud. The one who loves you can always sense your feelings.
Anthropologists believe that their ancient knowledge of the movement of wind, sea and birds helped them to move upword to a safe high zone a few days before the Tsunami. This deep knowledge is called “Tinnotu”. It's a word that comes from the Oraka tribe, a group of indigenous people who live in the Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The word means "an understanding of something" or "a deep connection with the subject". These tribes have a unique ability to sense the changes in their environment.
Tinnotu is not just a word, but a way of life. It is a skill that can be cultivated and practiced and a gift that can be shared and appreciated. Tinnotu is a form of love, compassion and wisdom that can enrich our relationships and our lives. Tinnotu is not something that can be achieved overnight. It requires time. Patience, attention and openness. It requires a willingness to listen, to observe, to feel and to connect. It needs a respect for the uniqueness and complexity of each person and thing and recognition of the common humanity and divinity that binds us all.
Tinnotu enriches our lives in many ways. It helps us to appreciate the diversity and complexity of life and value of each person and thing. It cultivates empathy, compassion and kindness, there by reducing conflicts and violence. It enhances our communication, understanding and intimacy with our loved ones, thus strengthening relationships and bonds.
Tinnotu is a word that captures beautiful and profound concept. It is a skill that can be practiced and improved like any other skill. It can inspire us to live more fully, lovingly and wisely. It expands our awareness, perspectiveand thoughts. Lets try to develop “Tinnotu” in our lives- with our parents, with friends, with our profession, with neighbonrs, with everything we interact with. It’s the basic art of living how to master our lives and the universe. It’s a philosophy which can change our lives.
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