24 September 2024   Admin Desk

Sustainable management is buzz word: Expert

RAIPUR,CG,INDIA: In his inaugural speech, Nidhish Verma, Regional Director, said sustainable management is currently the buzz word for water resources sector in general and ground water domain in particular, especially with the impending climate change phenomenon.

He was addressing a two weeks International Training Course on 'Surface and Ground Water Management – Best Practices from Asia & Africa’, organized by the Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training and Research Institute (RGNGWT & RI) and the African-Asian Rural Development Organization (AARDO) for trainees from various AARDO countries, was inaugurated on 23rd September’ 2024 at the Auditorium of the Rajiv Gandhi National Ground Water Training & Research Institute in Nava Raipur, Chhattisgarh.

The inauguration ceremony was graced by, Dr. Manoj Nardeo Singh as the Chief Guest and Dr. A. Asokan, Member (HQ), Central Ground Water Board as the Guest of Honour.

Dr. Sanjeeb Kumar Behera, Head (IEC) briefed the house about AARDO and its history, since inception. Dr. Prabir Kumar Naik, Regional Director, Central Ground Water Board, North Central Chhattisgarh Region, Raipur, enlightened the gathering that water security and sustainability is one of the major issues which warrants behavioural change and demand side interventions, particularly in the agricultural sector which needs to explore crop diversification options.

D. S. Chaskar, Chief Engineer and Head of the National Water Academy, CWC, Pune, shared his insights on role and importance of water resource management in agrarian based developing economies and rural habitations.

Dr. A. Asokan, Member (HQ), CGWB narrated the ground water scenario of India and various activities of Central Ground Water Board, in the field of sustainable groundwater management. He also briefed the august gathering about the flagship National Aquifer Mapping and Management (NAQUIM) programme and its role in collating and documenting the various area specific groundwater issues and recommending appropriate mitigation measures.

The inaugural function was followed by a plantation drive by the esteemed dignitaries and the trainees from the AARDO Nations and a group photograph session, thereafter.

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